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Oved Baked Pecan Chicken Breast (Gluten-Free Flour)
Glutino Flax Seed Bread Toasted w/Garlic Butter
Fruit Cocktail
Tossed Green Salad (w/Toby's Ranch!)
So the chicken is a continuation of an ongoing experiment to re-create our favorite dishes using various Gluten-Free Flour mixes and combinations.
This mix was made mostly from Pamela's Ultimate Baking & Pancake Mix, Corn Starch, White Rice Flour, some spices...added to cup of Buttermilk and Egg mixed together. One cup of diced Pecans were added for extra flavor and texture.
Baked in butter for about 35 minutes...delicious!
So, enjoyed the Bard's Tale Dragon's Gold while concocting this recipe and forgot to take you'll have to use your own judgment for the recipe.
For a little background, I have been an avid beer drinker for about 15 years...enjoying primarily obscure micro brews while hiking around the woods. More recently I, and my family, have recognized the fact that we are Gluten Intolerant and have slowly adjusted to the Gluten-Free Diet over the past few years. This blog is a factor of this process.
One of my favorite beers is Alaskan Amber Ale. Both for it's color and complex well as the fact that at one point I used to live just a few blocks from the brewery and enjoyed many samplers after work!
When I say that this Bard's Tale beer is reminiscent of the Alaskan Amber, it is a testament to the quality that is going into this brew. The color is much richer than I expected, great body...but certainly thinner than Alaskan.